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引用 远航一号 2021-5-1 09:49
仗义执言: 这个是我练习一段时间后比较熟练的弹国际歌:<a href="https://v.douyin.com/eS8jnRP/" target="_blank">https://v.douyin.com/eS8jnRP/</a>
引用 仗义执言 2021-4-30 20:05
引用 仗义执言 2021-4-30 19:48
我弹的国际歌  https://v.douyin.com/JuG5X9J/
引用 redchina 2021-4-30 05:00
一位姓张的网友说:Socialism need reforms. 社会主义需要改革。下面有人答复:China is fully capitalist. Your country’s leaders are traitors to the communist ideology. 中国是彻头彻尾的资本主义。你们国家的领导人是共产主义思想的叛徒。
引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:58
To learn Communism! To work with dedication, in a Communist way! All the days of our lives, to promote troughout the Earth the cause of Lenin, the cause of the Party, we swear, swear, swear!

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:55
Any russians that can translate the words at the start of the video to english?

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:54
Remember when the Soviets were brothers? 15 countries, 1 ethnic. It worked. Then nationalism came and Putin destroyed the bonds.

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:51
I'm from Paraguay. My country was rulled by a Militarty Junta from 1940 to 1993, and even after that, a Right-Wing Party ruled the country from 1993 to 2008, and they retook power in 2013 after 4 years of a Left-Wing presidency. But... for some unexplainable reason, the paraguayan aesthetic is almost the same that soviet aesthetic. Ironic.

我来自巴拉圭 ...
引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:50
Awesome. Greetings  from  Romania. International revolution is  on  the  way.

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:49
Tears to my eyes... To think that scoundrel Gorbachev is lurking there somewhere enjoying the comforts of one who should have been serving his union. Andropov, had he lived, would have saved the union and defeated fascism.

热泪盈眶 ... 如果安德罗波夫没有那么快去世的话,一定会拯救苏联、打败法西斯。
引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:47
Beautiful. No words to express the respect I have for these peoples struggle.

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:46
We miss our Soviet homeland very much, in a country where the class of workers was above all else. we believed in a bright future. and we had everything we needed for life. Of course, we were a bit behind America in that we had less developed household appliances, but they were. there were problems with buying a personal car, but they were enough. food products were very tasty and without chemical additives. we had a very highly developed industry.

如此地思念苏维埃祖国,在那个国家,工人阶级领导一切,我们相信有一个美好的未来,我们有生活中所需要的一切。... 食品是美味的,没有化学添加剂的。我们有高度发达的工业。
引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:43
So many soviets in 1975 using modern 2017/2018 haircuts lol

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:42
One day, this song will be sung in Washington D.C. and London!

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:40
Glory to the red army who bravely saved civilisation respect to our heroes

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:40
Nightmare for NATO

引用 redchina 2021-4-30 04:40
The Internationale is not only for Communists, Proletariat, Farmer, etc. This song also dedicated for opressed people in psychologist zone. It is important to wake up from those parasites thing, it would be good if we use The Internationale Song for all human races, matters and communities.



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