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是狐瘟促使英方提出重新调查海伍德死因! [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-9-7 08:04:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览






David Cameron offers British help to China's police


Published: Wednesday, Apr 18, 2012, 16:35 IST
    By James    Kirkup |    Agency: Daily Telegraph


British diplomats knew of suspicions over the death of      a British businessman in China for a month before ministers decided to      press the Chinese authorities to investigate the case, the Foreign Office      disclosed on Tuesday.在外交部长决定向中方施压调查海伍德案之前,英外交官已经知道对英国在华商人死因的怀疑已有一个月。


Britain asked the Chinese to investigate the death of      Neil Heywood only after a senior Chinese official raised doubts about it      with American diplomats.英国要求中方调查海伍德的死因是在一个中国资深官员与美国外交官谈及他怀疑海伍德死因后。


William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, yesterday gave      MPs a detailed timetable of Heywood's death and the British response.昨天外交部长William Hague给了国会议员们一个详细的关于海伍德的死亡及英方回应的时间表。


It revealed that Foreign Office officials were      "first made aware of rumours within the British expatriate community      in China that there may have been suspicious circumstances surrounding      Heywood's death" on January 18. Concerns about the case were not      raised with ministers until the following month.      时间表显示外交官员是“第一次得知对海伍德死因的怀疑是在1月18日从在华居住的英国人社区得知的。这并没引起部长们的关注,直到第二个月才引起关注。


The trigger for that move was a visit to a US      consulate by Wang Lijun, Bo's deputy, where he made      "allegations" about Heywood's death.引起英方行动的导火线是薄的副手王立军,在这儿他      “指责”关于海伍德的死因。


There are concerns that the investigation into      Heywood's death is a political move against Bo rather than a full inquiry      into the facts.


David Cameron yesterday urged one of China's most      senior officials to ensure a full and independent inquiry and offered      British assistance with the investigation.


Li Changchun, a member of the Politburo, did not      accept the offer of help.


Hague told MPs: "We now wish to see the      conclusion of a full investigation that observes due process, is free      from political interference, exposes the truth behind this tragic case,      and ensures that justice is done."


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